A lot of people think I have really narrow taste in music, and to be fair if you look through my music library it's about 95% blisteringly fast punk rock. But that doesn't mean I hate other music and it certainly doesn't mean that I can't be totally blown away seeing one of the most unique and totally off the scale shows I've seen outside of that narrow genre.
I'm talking about Eat The Evidence, who I saw (for free no less) take the roof off Bar Solo in Camden last night. It's easy for me to be biased about them, most of them have been friends of mine for well over 10 years and drummer Mike also plays in The Apostates, whom I also like a hell of a lot and he records my EPs. But I'll try to remain as objective as possible for the sake of hopefully making sure you all take notice of them as your eardums deserve.

I say totally unique because I've yet to hear an accordion driven, streets inspired, ska/two tone/heavy rock/reggae band in my life. That may sound like an odd and bitter mix if you're trying to imagine it from nothing but trust me when I say it works. I remember when rum lemonade and pineapple juice sounded disgusting by I sure showed someone that time when there was nothing left at 8am after a house party the night before!!

Everything works so well because each and every member of the band is a veteran of at least a decade of bands. that's around 50 years gigging experience between them all and it comes across in spades when they play. Frontman Tom is as charismatic, charming and energetic as any lead could possibly hope to be. Wrapping a packed room of people round his little finger all whilst firing off lyrics which swing from politically volatile to toilet humour at breakneck speeds whilst swinging from the rafters. Never missing a beat in between. He is backed up by, and shares vocal contributions from a set of musicians who with every note let you know that they are as talented as they come with nary a shred of ego about it. The music is deep and multi layered and you would have to spend a week with each song to pick up on every clever lick and nuance. Jack, Toms brother in particular is more talented than I have ever seen and the chemistry between the two brothers sparks and sells their set even more.

I find it a crying shame that they aren't massive and bigger than any middle of the road shite that might win a Brit award or have a video on MTV Rocks. I hope they blow up soon because I feel that it's not fair that only the room full people packed in to see them get to hear them and not the rest of the world.
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