Monday, 27 January 2014

That one time I was at the 12 Bar

I really should stop trying to review gigs. The calamity this time being I gave my camera to some drunk dude who not only didn't bother to stay for the set but disappeared to some bar down the other end of oxford street! cheers for that random guy.Also I couldn't stay to the end so I can't even talk about Top Buzzer!!

Anyways onto another round-up. So I've miraculously never been to the 12 bar before (or if I have I was far far too wasted to remember) and was certainly shocked coming through to what seemed like a murder room in the back only to be told this is where we'd be playing. It was fine though and actually turned out to be an awesome stage to play on. The place is a shithole, but deliberately so. Although the place looks rundown upon further inspection there's not a spec of grime or dust and the toilets are in good nick and each haphazardly stuck sticker on the walls and doors helps to build the character of the place. so good work 12 Bar you've built quite the monument to counter-culture there and it shows.

After a quick sound check and a chicken legend at the maccy D's round the corner things were ready to start. Oddly enough we weren't first on this time so I'll run though the show in order:

  Seek Destroy

You know those guys who whinge about punk being dead and that bands like the ramones and pistols don't exist anymore etc. Well those people need to stop watching MTV whilst crying and come and meet Seek Destroy. This is the punk rock royal guard. slamming out tunes about cunts and other cunts and famous cunts and royal cunts with nothing so trite or unoriginal as a mohican or a studded leather jacket in sight. This is punk as it was meant to sound for the purists. Dirty, shouty, and loud as fuck but with catchy as hell hooks in the choruses and enough solo riffage to show that the music is a choice and a way of life rather than an inability to play more technical stuff. If you're annoyed because Elliot Minor are considered a punk band then get off your high horse, come down and watch a guy in a dress and knee high boots and fabulous hair scream that you're a cunt through a mega-phone and admit that this is were punk went.

Red Rag Front

I honestly thought we'd end up playing to the sound guy again on Saturday and was massively surprised and extremely happy to see a bunch of people not only watching but also enjoying the set. the songs are pretty much second nature now and although Drew swears otherwise I think everything went really goddamned well and I had a lot of very nice people pay me a tonne of compliments afterwards. Getting that kind of feedback is just such a rush and has pretty much set up my entire 2014 to be a good one now. So thanks to anyone who had something good to say. You are the people who keep me caring about the music scene I love.

Slow Faction

I was totally determined not to miss Slow Faction after letting them down a little at More of This! Fest in November. So this time I caught the sound check as well as the set! These guys are another band who like to rock things old school. They wear their influences on their sleeves and I think Joe Strummer would have been mighty happy to give them a listen. I love watching a band who are obviously good friends playing on stage because it always shines through and even on a tiny stage that barely had room for a shimmy Slow Faction had the energy to kill it. You know a song is well written when you're still humming the melody the next day. They didn't like to just kick you in the face with every tune either and the breakdown reggae tinged tunes were just as awesome as the balls out belters. I can't wait till I have a chance to catch these guys again and anyone who hasn't had the pleasure yet should make sure they keep an eye on their tour diary.

The Role Models

So due to some sort of timey wimey hiccupy shenanigans The Role Models went on at the ungodly hour of 11:30 which meant that I wasn't going to be able to watch Top Buzzer. Which sucked because I already know I love Top Buzzer. That meant that this bunch of guys that I was going to watch instead had a lot of making up to do. Luckily they were able to do it in spades! Managing to get a brilliant sound out of the tiny room, I had the pleasure of being able to clearly hear the vocals which were some of the best vocal harmonies I've heard outside of major label bands. The music I wouldn't call punk, more like melodic pop rock but there's nothing wrong with playing a melodic tune with a great hook in the chorus that has an awesome energy behind it too. The Canadian front-man had charm and charisma enough to woo a thousand angry football fans and the band were tight as hell despite being crammed into a space the size of a single bed!!

So although I lost my camera and missed the last band and couldn't hear anything but my own guitar whilst playing I had an incredible time breaking my 12 Bar cherry. Once again meeting new people and making friends took a front seat to actually playing a set and that's what I really love about shows like these. Bring it on 2014! I'm fucking good to go!

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