So I know I kind of said I wasn't going to do gig roundups anymore and I know I wasn't going to go on about how great shows are going anymore and probably some other things but it's my blog and if me from the other day doesn't like it he can jog the goddamned hell on because punk bloody rock that's why!!
So this may get a little long because it's a little difficult to squeeze 12 hours of punk into less than 500 words
I am of course getting overly excited about the More Of This!
Fest all dayer that I recently had the privilege of being a part of. The New Cross Inn was the venue and basically everything that is good and right with the world was the order of the day. As punk rocker we have (probably) all been subject to prejudice, abuse and negative judgement before and it always strikes me as odd that in turn parts of the punk rock community is equally as elitest and judgmental. I guess it just goes to show that those kids with mohawks 30 years ago really did grow up to be just like their parents and they inspired a whole new generation to think it's ok to act harshly to someone because they are wearing the right band shirt or have enough studs on their leather jacket.
That scene was no where to, seen, at New Cross. Instead a huge group of friends assembled (some past, some met brand new on the day) and set about sharing their love of punk music with each other in the best way possible - By smashing glasses on the dance floor and throwing people onto it (but picking them back up afterwards). No, well sometimes, but mainly just by being totally super awesome people and getting along without any of the aforementioned judgement or bad attitudes. This feeling of friendship is an awesome thing to find at a show, but for it to be there for a whole twelve hours (some people managed the whole day!!) is pretty much unprecedented and a wonder to behold.
Of course nothing would or probably could have been possible
without the monumental efforts of one Steve
So onto the bands I'll try to be brief, also apologies now to
Slow Faction. Unfortunately I had to eat at some point in the day and my try to the greatest knock off chicken pizza joint in the universe had to come during their set. I caught about 30 seconds of the end of it and they did sound totally awesome but that's about all I can say.
the others. Also helps that they were awesome guys too!
Well what can be said about act number two? nothing really because it was us. I will say though that it was one of our best sets, I think because of everyone watching being totally into the songs. It was an uplifting experience and if I could do MOT! all dayers for the rest of my days I would be a happy man indeed. We got a lot of very kind feedback from all who spoke to us which is pretty much the life blood of the band so that was totally brilliant.
After us came Chapter Eleven. who is in the main part Asher Baker, a fellow blogger/acoustic punker/Demon Smiles fan boy that I can't believe I only met on the day!! Turns out he's a bit of a legend, and his songs are really great, whether he's being poignant, or comical, or angry or happy he can really capture an emotion of a crowd by picking topics we can all get behind and creating poetry to plant the
Number four was Harrison Wilde, an odd case in that he was an unknown act who everyone knew and was playing a set of brand new
old songs!! A veteran of the punk scene he played tunes that, I think without exception, covered a misspent youth partying the way everyone should while their sanity and liver can withstand it!! Having shared what seems like a pretty similar past I really connected with all the tunes and greatly enjoyed the set. laughing my ass of at the cleverly worded lyrics and the memories of eviction parties and living with Tazz that he gave back to me.
After that the acoustic start to the day was over and we were onto the the loud stuff. and loud it got when old friends Recluse
Club got down to business. I have a particular love of these guys, having played with them in Worthing before and man if anything they've gotten faster and tighter!! I love me a bit of blisteringly fast punk rock and these guys deliver in spades. One of the funnest (is that a word) bands of the day for me
Another set of friends came on stage after, and Not Pennys Boat once again knocked it out the park. There's this amazing likeability to everything about them, their songs are tight and catchy, the tunes all rock, the vocals are awesome, the whole band looks like their having the greatest time on stage and also
their are all excellent people to have in the vicinity. I had an even better time rocking out to them this time since I had the benefit of checking out their songs first and could have myself a bit of a singalong. although I've only seen them the once before this was their best performance mostly, just belonging on the stage. I was a little sad when they finished.
I know I'm basically gushing about my friends bands right now but that was the beauty of the day, and The Vulgarities are pretty much gonna get the same treatment!! They were down a guitarist
but to be honest I hardly even noticed because I think Hannah was turned up to 11. They have brilliant energy on stage and kick the screaming hell out of their tunes in the absolutely best way possible. Out of all the bands playing they could so easily have been the ones who might fit into the elitest crowd, straddling the gap between straight up Oi and more melodic street punk but they never once seem aggressive or highly strung at the crowd or the eclectic assortment of music fans in the crowd, quite the opposite. Their aggression is finely channeled into their songs where it belongs and made for a brilliant set. They owned the stage too like no one else!!
--- Interlude ---
Seriously everyone should go to the chicken shop round the corner
from the New Cross Inn, even if you aren't seeing a band there. Two 9" pizzas with four toppings each for a fiver!!!! just brilliant. and they sell turkish Mountain Dew. That place rocked my mouth!!
after missing Slow Faction and being a little sad I got to witness something even more unique than the KC&F set from the start of the day. If you've not seen an aquatic themed hardcore band before with 40 second songs, all of which are bad sealife puns ("Shamu and conditioner") then I don't blame you because i think
stuff but I certainly am a fan of hilarious music in anyform and these guys definitely delievered there. The front man had a fantastic moustache for a Movember attempt and his trusty sidekick (or is it the other way around, I couldn't be sure) managed to make skipping on stage cool and possibly a little bewilderment at being on stage made funny songs off the charts great.
I really seriously have the biggest punk rock
music boner for Demon Smiles. I love them, plain and simple. I know all the words to all the songs they have recorded and I'm love with every new track they play. Despite some technical difficulties their set was every bit as energetic and fun a I've come to expect and of course it was made even better with a bit of crowd participation (myself and fellow DS connoisseur Asher doing the "Joe" bits for S.O.S.) and all the round excellent reception for the stars of the day.
the only function my body knew!! I wish I could write something more about their musicality and the kickass vocals (from Asher Baker, checking in his second set of the day) but to be honest I was just too busy dancing my freaking ass off to the best ska-punk I've heard since I saw Capdown play the Brighton Conchord 2 about seven years ago!!
replete with odd looking dancing drunks, plenty of skull duggery (drinking from a skull named Dug, not actual skull duggery), crowd surfing front men and epic tunes from beginning till end. Mug know how to get a crowd going (feed them alcohol) and how to deliver a tune (fucking loud and fast) and
they along with many other acts gave the best set I've seen so far. They make it seem like it's the easiest thing
in fact there was blood all over the bass!!) and were totally brilliant entertainers. Maybe the least known of the top three acts, that didn't stop them from having everyone going berserk and jumping around (even up on stage with them) and at one point pretending to be animals!! Great bands can hold an audience in the palm of their hands and Top Buzzer manage that without seeming to even try.
Oh Jesus Drones CRUSHED IT!!! The crowd was pretty much shell shocked for the first couple of songs, probably from disbelief at
the quality of hardcore punk they were witnessing and then went absolutely arse over tits ballistic for the rest of the set, there was destruction and crowd surfing guitarists and more moshing than you could shake a stick at (whilst ducking a windmill fist coming for you) and all throughout Drones just kept piling on the power and the quality. This was getting pretty late and a lot of people had been rocking out for more than 10 hours when Drones came on stage but they absorbed every last bit of energy left in the room and let it out in wave after wave of awesome tunes.
What comes up, has to come down and come down it did. Not the quality of the punk rock, which was still up in stratosphere when
Middle Finger Salute took the helm but by half eleven even the hardcorest punk rockers were pretty shattered! The good thing though was that MFS got to take over much more of the room (even tables) to end the night with a nuclear bang!
All in all the day was a success in even more ways than anyone had originally thought. Not only was an incredible line up put together and not only did every band give incredible sets and not only was everyone well received and enjoyed but we did some bigger in scale that day that can't be quantified. A new scene was born, free from prejudice and judgement. A counter counter-culture where a shared love of the people making music in front of you is all that's needed to be a part. the drunk in the bomber
jacket and the metal-head who didn't leave the dance floor for 12 hours were equally at home with the punks with giant mohawks and the burgeoning hardcore superstars. collectively we made a place we all belong and now it belongs to us, but all are welcome. It's a honour and a privilege to have been there to see it happen and I hope it keeps on unhindered for generations to see how people should react to each other.
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