Demon Smiles:
What a sexy bunch of people!! Also helps that they are good friends and a new start up band.
Not that they are new at being in bands. Just like me they have been in many a band offering before although not together. Unlike me they were VERY good!
Something all musicians have to battle constantly with is the fact that you can only be in a band within other musicians but as a rule, other musicians are a pain in the ass to deal with socially. This can put huge strains on bands that are otherwise great. Be it having one band member who gets more attention, or having members that are not in sync with the rest of the band, or having a bassist/lead singer that is so utterly drunk by the time he goes on to play that he can't remember what a bass is and falls off the stage.... y'know the general stuff.
But every now and then a rare thing happens and people get to meet up who all share a burning passion for the exact same music and a band just spontaneously combusts from their positive energy. That happened when the Demon Smiles gang got together and I think that's goddamn awesome, and I'm a little jealous!!
Although one good thing about having a bunch of friends who are at the same point in a musical career as you is the opportunity for the classic team-up.
Just like in the comics when your favorite heroes fight together (without the pre-meet punch up) I am always a huge fan of other bands and musicians featuring on other songs. Many of the greatest songs of our times have been epic collaborations between big name artists, and why not start that sort of thing off early when your friends are playing too. This seemed like a brilliant idea to me and I went straight to the DS guys and offered up my proposal which they also loved, because as I mentioned they are freakin awesome!!
I love the idea of unity and community blossoming out of a mutual love and respect for music and there isn't an easier set of people to do that with than those with a nigh on identical musical library as yourself.
Then my eager head started thinking great I should definitely sort the hell out of this recording so we can put a track down together, I already had one in mind so it was just a case of finding somewhere awesome to lay down some recorded stuff. I managed to dig around and find this studio:

With this final piece of the puzzle I thought I was well on the way to laying down the final pieces of groundwork I needed to in order to make me feel like I am truly back in the game. Then Mike, the owner of the studio let me know prices and I stopped dead and my wallet sobbed deep wracking cries as it knew it would be hungry for the most of next year!! one of the other huge benefits in having a band rather than going solo like I have decided is that you get to split costs rather than lump it all yourself.
Still I'll just grit my teeth and get the hell on with it because..... well just because I can't imagine doing anything else.
It's xmas so I'm getting the hell outta here. Tune in after the 8th to find out whether I spuffed up the Camden gig... I can tell you right now it'll go either way with how things stand right now!!
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